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  • Belle Radman

Kitschen Boy Reveal Touching Single 'Close Friends'

Naarm/Melbourne-based indie-rock group Kitschen Boy have just revealed their emotive new single 'Close Friends'.

Beginning with softly strummed guitars, clerical drums, and the caressing vocals of Dylan Baddeley, 'Close Friends' is a sentimental slice of indie brilliance that blends sensitive lyricism with simplistic songwriting expertise. The gentle verses make way for the heart-warming chorus, rich in texture and delicate resonance, as choral harmonies and resounding leads combine to offer sumptuous familiarity throughout the song's duration.

"'Close Friends' is the story of a protagonist unsure of how to read romantic signals through their Instagram and social media interactions. The storyteller waxes on trying to untangle the implications and insinuations of their interactions with a romantic partner in a plea for clarity and surety in either direction. The song speaks of the intricate unknowns of love in the digital age and how overwhelming it can be to find and perpetuate a relationship within these confines," said the band.

Kitschen Boy have announced that to celebrate their latest release they will be embarking on an East Coast headline tour, and will be performing at venues such as Black Bear Lodge, Waywards, and The Curtin.

This comes off the back of selling out their debut EP tour, reaching capacity at The Evelyn in Naarm/Melbourne, Bootleggers in Eora/Sydney, O'Skulligans in Meanjin/Brisbane and Lowlife Bar in Tandanya/Adelaide.



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